ook 3 takes the narrative teaching structure to a whole new level of fun and immersion. This time, the journey isn’t just about drawing... it’s about uncovering the hidden language of art itself.

The Draw Like a Boss curriculum is the product of my two core passions: the precision and discipline of academic art, and the immersive storytelling and structured progression of video games.
Blending practical insight with irreverent humour, Secrets of Composition is a deep dive into the unseen forces that shape powerful images, told through the eyes of an unlikely and possibly immortal guide.

Knights Templar, more interested in the secrets behind making great art than stabbing things, stumbles into the Watcher's Library, a labyrinth of boundless knowledge where art, mystery, secret societies, and the occasional talking bird collide.
What begins as a simple quest to understand visual composition soon spirals into a grand adventure through time, space, and art history itself.
Packed with knowledge, hidden stories, and inserts (documents pilfered throughout the Knight's journey), this fully illustrated journal is more than a book. It’s a collector’s item. A jewel in the artist’s bookshelf.
The journal formula allows for an extra dimension of storytelling which was needed to make an otherwise technical and dry educational subject fun.
1 Secret Library of Infinite Knowledge
20 Artists to Explore
408 Pages
Hard Bound, Sewn Stitched Book
Made in England (All Resources Sourced Ethically)
Fully Illustrated, Well Over a Thousand Individual Images
12 Inserts (Additional Material You Can Pull Out)
Some Sneaky Hidden Elements
A Book Developed With Passion. Four Years in the Making​

he focus, as always, has been on maximising the book’s teaching potential while also setting a high standard for design... even the back of the dust jacket holds a little surprise (though it has since leveled up from just being a map).

From the biological roots of creativity to the elusive secrets of the Masters, the Knight’s journey uncovers the long-lost 'Hierarchy of Visual Elements', unravels the mysteries of Flow, and crosses paths with Hans Holbein, Johannes Vermeer, Rosa Bonheur, John-Singer Sargent, and many more.
Along the way, ancient wisdom is challenged, artistic traditions are questioned, and maybe... just maybe... the Louvre gets burgled of its secrets.

want readers to feel like they are meeting twenty of the artists that shaped a lot of European art. I want the learning of these subjects to feel like a conversation with the past.

Draw Like a Boss 3 is a monumental undertaking, especially for a self-published author. I have dedicated four years to working exclusively on this project, pouring in not just time and effort, but a deep commitment to creating something truly extraordinary.
Over those years, I have reinvested the profits from Kickstarter and book sales into making this book a reality, ensuring that every page, every design, and every detail meets the high standards I set for myself.
More than a book, this is a passion project brought to life through sheer determination and an unwavering belief in the power of art and storytelling.